Heart of the Matter

By Hearts Matter (other events)

Saturday, March 4 2017 10:00 AM 2:00 PM EST

In Proverbs 4:23 the God instructs us to "keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts." What does does that really mean? Why do our hearts matter to God? And, why does He say that is where life starts? What's the big deal? 
Come find out at  "Heart of the Matter," on March 4th from 10am to 2pm at Connection Church in Statesboro, Ga. 

It will be a great day with the girls!   There will be a heartfelt message shared by Katie Bulmer, Jennifer Fordham, and Liz Corbett. Connection Worship Band will lead us in dynamic worship. And, lunch will be provided. :)

Ticket cost is $5.00
Tickets will be sold online and at the door.

We will be taking up a love offering this year to benefit the daughters of Rayann and Kegan Lee, Sadie and Charlotte. The money raised will go directly to their medical fund. Please read their story below.

On October 14th 2016, while playing at a friend's Halloween party, 7 year old, Sadie Lee fell backwards into a fire pit. She was immediately airlifted to Augusta where she had surgery the next morning. Sadie’s entire back was covered in 2nd and 3rddegree burns and the back of her arms were covered in 2nd degree burns.

On October 25th, Sadie had a second skin graph at the Shriner’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. This time using her own skin that was removed from both of her thighs.

During the same time while Sadie remained in the Shriner's Hospital recovering, Rayann and Kegan Lee received the news about their 2 year old daughter, Charlotte. The doctors in Savannah discovered that Charlotte had a skull lytic lesion (a mass that was on one of the main blood vessels that supplied blood to her brain).

On November 7th 2016, Charlotte Lee underwent a 7 hour surgery. Several days later, she was diagnosed with a rare blood disease called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis or LCH. This disease produces damaging tumors to form randomly throughout the body with no none cause. While LCH is not cancer, it is treated with chemotherapy.

On January 9th 2017 Charolette began weekly chemo treatments in Savannah, while taking oral chemo daily at home. Soon her treatments in Savannah will be stretched out to monthly. Her treatment which last 10 months will lesson the chance of recurrence to only15%. Charolette turns three on March 17th.

The doctors say that Sadie is healing very well. She has to wear compression garments to cover her entire torso and thighs for 6 months to a year. She may require more graphs and laser therapy as her body grows and her skin stretches. Sadie will continue to have clinic check-ups in Cincinnati.